Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Our Soldiers and the Real America

He’s at it again. John Kerry, in a speech to students at Pasadena City College, commented that if they were able to navigate the education system, they could get comfortable jobs - "If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq," (http://www.sgvtribune.com/news/ci_4578136). Kerry’s treacherousness truly knows no bounds: falsely implicating his fellow soldiers for acts of atrocities (e.g. beheading civilians, killing babies, etc), accusing US soldiers of killing innocents in Iraq, and now alluding that only backwater miscreants end up in Iraq for lack of anything else to do. To be honest, after the 2004 Presidential Election, I expect no less from this spineless coward than vile treason to flow from his mouth during every speech he makes. However, what troubles me to my core is the silent nod of approval by the media in their reporting of his remarks and the wink from the Democratic Left. Election Year aside, this is how the party really and truly feels. They honest to God believe that the United States Military is full of murderers, rapists, idiots, backwater hicks, and people who have no where else to go in their lives. They feel that our soldiers mindlessly ship off to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and robotically do the bidding of President Bush (who, I might add, is out to take over the world by the way…along with Wal Mart). The Left simply cannot comprehend that someone would willingly go to fight for something he or she believes, they cannot imagine making a sacrifice for anyone other than themselves, they cannot accept that this is precisely what our nation’s finest does day in and day out. It is this putrid cowardice that has penetrated the Democratic Party and has morphed into the mainstream, hatred and contempt for our soldiers is the mantra of the Left. While most politicians keep their true feelings hidden, unlike Kerry, their silence is a blaringly resounding agreement.

Why is this contempt so accepted by the public at large? Do we live in a society that has lost it’s grasp of the values that have defined this great nation? How do Americans really view our fighting men and women? While I have lost faith in many of our politicians and certainly much of my faith in the Right for not doing enough to defend the honor of our soldiers, I have not lost faith in the American people. I’m not talking about the whackos over at Starbucks who whine for hours on end about how much they hate Bush…I don’t care about them, because they DON’T VOTE…they could care less, their views are played out daily by the MSM and in their liberal minds that is their vote. I’m talking about the Silent Majority, the Middle America, and true America…the people who work for a living, raise decent children, and pay their taxes. I’m talking about the folks who will vote for their values, for what they hold dear….they will vote for their safety, they will vote for their soldiers (chances are they know several who have served), and their will vote for their country. These are the Americans who support our troops, who raise millions and millions of dollars in charitable causes for injured soldiers, who send Oreo cookies to that Marine at Camp Fallujah, and who will come out to proclaim that they power lies not with those who squeal the loudest but with those who silently sacrifice for their countries and the loved ones they hold dear.


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