Just Banter...
Goldman Sachs $16 BN Bonus Payout
To be honest, I’m shocked that there hasn’t been a massive populist backlash to the news that Wall Street Titan Goldman Sachs was paying out an average of $600,000 to each employee in bonuses this year. All we ever hear in the news is how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, working man being kept down…you pick the quasi-socialist battle cry…It’s cry cry cry all the time, extend the hand of entitlement a bit further and blame others for the fact that you didn’t go to college or dropped out of high school. A little known fact to those outside of the industry is that Goldman is notorious for their grueling 100 hour weeks and the unrivaled work ethic of their employees. Everyone on the “Street” knows that Goldman is the place to be, but that once you get there be expected to work your tail off and compete against the best and brightest in the industry. They are the cream of Wall Street for a reason, because they work ridiculously hard and hire unbelievably credentialed people. In contrast, Goldman is resident to a city whose transit workers held a strike last year and crippled 16 MM plus people in the bitter cold over their 35 hour workweek and the fact that they had to pay 1% of their health insurance premiums…these are people without degrees who make $40,000 for cleaning a subway car. Just imagine the furor if a “working man’s” union had to work over 40 hours at Goldman! Oh and somehow I think that GS employees pay substantially more for the health insurance and do not get 4 coffee breaks a day. Bottom line is that if you go to college, get good grades, and are willing to work your butt off…you get compensated for it….Goldman’s employees deserve every penny….Perhaps the thought of an achievable goal such as working on Wall Street and making millions might be a motivating factor to some of the inner city youth whose only known aspirations revolve around being a hip hop star or an athlete…success is found in education and hard work but current leadership of the unions, minorities, and the left completely ignore this fundamental truth and prefer to extend a beggar’s hand …there’s much more possibility in life and individual accomplishment and the news from Goldman proves that.
Iraq Study Group Referring to Israel as the Root of the Iraq Conundrum
Yeah!!! I’m sure that if Israel conceded completely to the Hezbollah and Hamas killers that suddenly the Iraqis would unite in song and immediately cease all acts of violence, halting the insurgency and civil war in the process. News flash, the violence in Iraq is sectarian in nature and has absolutely nothing to do with the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Unfortunately, the Israeli Palestinian struggle continues to be fodder for naïve policy makers, Muslim apologists, and terrorists seekingto catalyze support for their horrific acts of violence. The problem is and will remain within the death cult that is Islamo-fascism and its ardent desire to violently reclaim a regional Caliphate in the Middle East and eradicate Christians and Jews from their sphere of influence. If it isn’t the Jews, it’s the Christians, or the Americans…there’s always going to be boogyman to these radicals. Victory against such evil can only be obtained through wars of attrition and savage defeat of terrorist foot soldiers that infest the insurgency. No amount of negotiating and concession will substitute for victory through annihilation. The language of terror is death; theirs is a world where negotiation and diplomacy are viewed as weakness. Until we wise up to this simple fact, we will continue flounder in our war strategy. Hey, Jimmy Baker, let’s ask our friends in Syria and Iran what they think!
Questions of the Day
What exactly do Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do for a living? What are their jobs other than to incite racial hatred and violence? Please I’m really curious to know….
With all the annual furor over the symbols of Christmas why don't we make employees of the Christmas-banning entities (schools, government, etc) come in to work on Christmas day? It shouldn’t be a big deal considering it is the practice of these institutions to disavow all things related to the Christian holiday, so why should they not go to work as they would any other day? Wouldn’t that be considered a “celebration of Christmas”? Don’t count on it….it’s like asking a Congressman to regulate his salary.
Why hasn’t anyone sued the New York Times for recklessly endangering their lives by exposing vital anti-terror tactics to the enemy in wiretapping and SWIFT monitoring operations by the US Government? It’s a legitimate grievance….
Why don’t the people who consistently bemoan CEO pay as “excessive” actually purchase the stock of the companies in question and vote on it? At the end of the day it is the shareholders of the company who are responsible for “executive salary” excess and if they do not have a problem with what a CEO is making, why should John Q. Public?
Why are Michigan politicians trying to introduce legislation to mandate a college football playoff? Come on….I got one for ya: try be
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