Tuesday, February 13, 2007


2008 Election

Who the hell cares? Before the country falls entirely under the “charismatic” aura of the liberal Jesus Christ, Barack Osama (oops…Obama) let’s keep a few things in mind:

Ø We are still conducting a full scale, two front shooting war against an enemy who will not stop until he drives us out of the Middle East and brings the war back home

Ø There are two more years of the Bush Presidency left which will inevitably result in more deadlock than an LA Freeway

Ø Counter-terror operations continue at home and with each passing day the likelihood of a terror even increases

Ø The public and mainstream media have adopted a campaign mindset that completely ignores more pressing items that directly affect the American public.

Ø Our economy continues to thrive, however, several major risks circle on the horizon. Threats that are only mitigated by bipartisan cooperation.

Sadly, however, none of this matters…candidates from both parties will be aggressively campaigning with their heads in the sand for the next two years. Unfortunately for the power-hungry ilk infesting our airwaves on a daily basis, in the real world, risks cannot be put on layaway. We have created this Machiavellian cesspool that is infested by political opportunists of both parties. An American would focus his/her efforts on making a difference NOW in their current capacity….a slimy coward puts it off for two years.

Nuclear Agreement with North Korea

What nuclear agreement? We just renewed the oft maligned 1994 Accords of the Clinton Administration that effectively bribed the North Korean government to suspend their nuclear weapons program in exchange for aid. Of course this was a ruse and the DPRK continued to develop nuclear weapons and even tested a weapon a few months back. 13 years later, we reached a “six party” agreement that provides aid to the DPRK in return for a suspension of nuclear activities….key word here is activities….nothing about weapons program….oh yeah and did I mention that the DPRK called the agreement a “temporary suspension”? Worthless….

Where’s your heart, George?

Non-Binding Resolution Condemning Troop Surge

This little piece of legislative trickery is nothing more than cowardice pure and simple. It is a blatant attempt by the spineless opportunists that have dug their hooves into the halls of our Congress to have their cake and eat it too…Light on commitment and heavy on lack of courage. I cringe to think of what a Marine sitting atop a roof in Ramadi might think about the very Congress he is risking his life to defend voting to condemn the cause for which he is risking his life. It is sell out pure and simple…if the sponsors of this resolution had any balls whatsoever, they would vote to cut off all funding to troops in Iraq. At least it’s a stand, and a stand that they would be accountable for.

However, this fear of accountability is the same fear that precludes anyone in the mainstream left to come up with a counterproposal for the war in Iraq. George Bush has even requested a proposal from them….it is easier to take the low road and snipe at those in office.

Dixie Chicks Winning Big at the Grammy’s

Who knows? I didn’t watch it….like most of America, I get my music from I Tunes. I hear a good song on the radio and I buy it online…I don’t care about what the artist has to say about life, politics, or anything else for that matter…I simply expect them to do what they do best, produce music…I’ll do my own thinking. Judging by the sheer number of white headphones I see in the subway every day, most of America has taken that road. The music industry as it is today will be extinct in five years, hopefully then we’ll have more artists who put their energy into their music as opposed to telling us how to think.


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