Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Attorney Firing Imbroglio~

Much ado about nothing….or is it? This most recent attempt by the Democratic Congress to fabricate a scandal from nothing is indicative of a larger, more sinister problem: the obsessive attempts of Pelosi and Company to infringe on the powers of the Executive Branch. “The First 100 Hours” failures aside, the only promise that the incoming Democrats have kept is to relentlessly pursue and weaken the Bush Administration on all fronts. From the Iraq War to taxes to attorney firings, the so-called scandals have done nothing but to vastly weaken the public perception of our Government and has literally reduced the Legislative Branch to a nursery full of snot-nosed cry babies. While none of these self-induced scandals will ever truly amount to anything more than embattling an embattled president, I know one thing for sure: we are in for a couple more years of deadlock and Machiavellian politics that fail the constituencies of the representatives. I can only hope and pray that the Bush Administration fights these worthless subpoenas all the way to the Supreme Court.

Bush Administration~

The attorney firing business is another example of the complete inability of the Bush Administration to stand up to critics and defend clearly lawful and justified measures. The list literally grows on a daily basis: Iraq, firing attorneys, Plamegate, warrant less wiretaps, SWIFT tracking, Gitmo, prisoner interrogation, and so on. The Democrats, like the sharks they are, smell blood in the water and will continue to feed on W until measures are taken to swat them away. To be honest, I don’t see it happening…rather, I see a trend of the administration to try to placate its critics by removing key figures such as Rumsfeld, or capitulate on wiretapping provisions…you name it. At the end of the day, the near demonic hatred of the president will only be satiated by a resignation of the Chief Executive. The battle needs to be fought in the court of public opinion….regardless of what the Democrats wish to believe, the President of the United States has the national stage to do with as he pleases. As I have said on these pages countless times before, the fight is a PR fight and the President needs to attack his critics head on and in a more forceful way than he is currently employing. In a time of sensationalized news stories and rabid news sources, the fight needs to be dirty and it needs to be personal. The Administration needs to make its message nasty in order to be heard….why not call Democrats what they are? Why not call John Murtha a lowlife turncoat? Why not take the Congress to the Supreme Court to defend Executive Privilege and separation of powers? The effects can only be positive for someone with abysmally low approval ratings…people will pay attention. Bush was elected again in 2004 for his strength in foreign policy and aggressive pursuit of terrorists, he has always been known for his steadfast conviction….the answer is simple here: the public sees a president who doesn’t defend himself as weak, the enemy sees a president who allows his opponents to walk all over him as weak…it’s time to show some of that George W Bush resolve and fight back…please!

Iraq Surge~

Recent reports coming from the front lines of Iraq have shown the much maligned “troop surge” in Baghdad and Al Anbar Province to be showing early signs of significant success. Violence and attacks on US troops have dropped over 50% in most areas and the violent Shia militias seem to be largely pacified. The residual attacks on civilians and military seem to be coming from the Sunni extremist elements that are aggressively being exposed up by a sick and tired Iraqi populace. While it is too early for an “I told you so moment” to the cut and run crowd that infests the Capitol, I am very optimistic about the results. With continued vigilance, conducive ROEs, and holding strategies the cancer that infects central Iraq can be eliminated and we will be one step closer to bringing our men and women home. My only message to the service folks on the front: “Keep fighting the good fight for the sake of your loved ones, brothers in arms, and the country you hold dear.”

Weekend Anti-War Protests~

Have you ever seen the makeup of some of these crowds? Imagine you are cooking a gumbo: throw in some anarchists, communists, aging hippies, bored liberal college students, homeless people, and more aging hippies…viola! You get an anti-war protest…come on; no one really takes these people seriously in life much less when they mottle themselves together and march on our large cities. The vast majority of these nutcases don’t even believe in voting anyway, so in effect their voices are worthless to those in power….have fun people.

Sunday Night Fights at MSG~

New York City high school basketball championship….NBA All-Star Weekend in Vegas…rap concerts….hip hop clubs…..What do they all have in common? Thug culture and violence….specifically thug culture as manifest through real world violence. Are you really surprised anymore to see reports in the news of violence at these venues? I mean really? The most recent example of violence and shooting outside of Madison Square Garden this past Sunday night following the NYC high school basketball championship is just another sad reminder of our far thug culture; particularly young black male hip hop thug culture has alienated itself from anything resembling functional society. You have a leaderless culture that celebrates outlaws, uses race as a crutch, perpetuates fatherless child rearing, and alienates itself from the wider American culture…what do you expect? There is simply no leadership in the black community, there is no one to stand up and celebrate accountability or hard work….there are only opportunistic race baiters such as Al Sharpton, outlaw thug “artists”, criminal athletes, and general sentiments of victim hood. This problem will only get worse until it is addressed….as our society continues to expand economically and socially as part of the globalized 21st Century, black America will increasingly be pitted against other subcultures who are willing to take accountability for their actions and have a stake in their futures. Unfortunately this battle will be lost….stay tuned on this one because it is a crash course.

Al Gore/Valerie Blame/Brittany Spears~

Your 15 minutes are up…go find a lake and jump in it.

Senators Running for President~

If I left my day job indefinitely to travel around the country, raise money and sell orange juice I think it would be safe to say that I’d be fired. Why in God’s name do these candidates’ constituents allow their representatives who should be in Washington advancing their interests neglect their duties and still get paid for it? Seriously….to do so is a supreme waste of taxpayer treasure and goodwill. Any self respecting human being would resign their position to another who will represent the constituency prior to embarking on a national campaign. It is dead wrong…