Thursday, July 05, 2007


Thwarted and Not-So-Thwarted UK Terror Plot

The interconnected plot that was discovered in the UK this past weekend is yet another example that Islamic Terror is alive and festering beneath the skin of Western society. Until we realize that radical Islam has been at war with the West (not just America) for nearly three decades, the cancer will never be cured. Radical Islam is not just at war with George Bush, Tony Blair, or the evil corporations profiteering from Middle Eastern crude…they are at war with our very being, our very way of life. No amount of negotiating, regime change, or caving to demand is going to change this. Time and time again, Al Qaeda and its pestilent network have made their intentions known: to kill as many Westerners as possible. So why should we be surprised when they make good on their promises? Why should we doubt their words when they have proven their sincerity over and over again? We are in an existential struggle of epic proportions against an enemy who is unlike any we have faced before. Tragically, our media and left-leaning political opportunists have chosen to cultivate a state of denial amongst the majority of our populace…why not? It is a lot easier to ignore something than to face it, right? A simple consideration of statistics says that one of these attacks is going to prove successful…I wonder, where the elements of denial and opportunism will go?

Commuting of Libby’s Sentence

A massive fine, even larger legal fees, a conviction, loss of legal license, probation, and irrepairably damaged reputation…hardly getting off without a scratch…especially considering no crime was committed. Unfortunately, George Bush doesn’t have the courage to offer a proper pardon to his longtime advisor. Perhaps the most nauseating aspect of the whole thing is hearing Hillary’s shrill cry of injustice…from one half of perhaps the most despicable political reunion in our nations history that’s truly rich. May God help us all if she gets elected.

Paris Hilton

Get a life………………………………………….


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